Mobile Support

Mobile Support Compatible Across All Devices

Mobile support resolves issues by remotely sharing and controlling another mobile device’s screen. With the rise of mobile-based work and activities, it has become a vital solution for business operations and services as it can directly access various mobile environments.

Our clients for RemoteCall mobile support

  • Telecommunication Company Telecommunication Company

    Manage customer inquiries
    and back up branch offices

    Telecom Company

  • e-Learning Company e-Learning Company

    Handle problems occurred
    from educational devices

    e-Learning Company

  • Financial Service Provider Financial Service Provider

    Assist inquiries about using
    the financial app

    Financial Service Provider

  • Franchise Head Office Franchise Head Office

    Find solutions to operate devices for store manager

    Franchise Head Office

What makes RemoteCall mobile support so special

  • Supported on mobile devices hover

    Supported on mobile devices

    Mobile support should be available anytime, anywhere, right from mobile devices, without a computer.

  • Instantly connected via text messages hover

    Instantly connected via text messages

    Send a text message including the access URL to carry out remote connection.

  • Switch mobile-to-visual support easily hover

    Switch mobile-to-visual support easily

    It is possible to switch to on-site video session by using a camera during mobile support (if you own both mobile and visual licenses.)

Tailored customer support

94% of customers using remote support on smartphones are highly satisfied


Since the launch of the service in March 2012, the cumulative number of customers has exceeded 16 million and three call centers in Japan are actively using it for customer service.

View case studies of mobile carrier

Mobile support without in-person visits


Customer satisfaction has significantly improved as we handled inquiries in a timely manner, even for those who experience difficulties accessing the service centers or reside in distant areas.

View case studies of equipment and solution provider

Getting Started with RemoteCall Mobile Support

  • 1
    Setting up Connection
  • 2
    Getting Connected
  • 3
    Starting Remote Support
Setting up Connection
(For support agent) Open RemoteCall in a brower to carry out remote support
First, open a web brower that allows remote support and visit the website. After signing in, click Support Now to get a 6-digit connection code for a customer to type in. The mobile app must be installed to start interaction, so click on the icon to send the download URL via text message.
(For customer) Install the mobile app from App Store/Google Play
Click the URL in the text message to open an app marketplace and get the app accordingly. If you already have the app installed on your mobile device, the app will be launched automatically upon clicking the URL.
Getting Connected
Run the app and enter the 6-digit connection code
When the app is launched for the first time, the customer must agree to the Terms and Conditions, and Privacy Policy. Please be noted that RemoteCall encrypts and protects data through advanced security. When the consent is accepted, you’ll be redirected to a page to enter a 6-digit connection code.
Wait until the program is completely installed
The Waiting to Connect message will appear on the support agent’s screen until the user is connected through the program. Enter the 6-digit connection code to remotely connected.
Starting Remote Support
You are now connected to remote support.
The support agent is able to start a remote session through the screen on the customer’s mobile device. For more details, please refer to the user manual below. Discover more interesting features that come with the RemoteCall agent program and enjoy it for free.

Powerful protection, advanced security

  • Stay connected even when a network changes

    Stay connected during a network change

    When the network is unstable on the device and it keeps switching between 5G, LTE, Wi-Fi, and so on, not a problem. Because the connection is still on and running.

  • Control screen sharing at any time

    Control screen sharing at any time

    The customer has a full access to use the widget to lock the screen or terminate support during remote session. Please be ensured that screen sharing is controlled 100% by the customer.

  • Get support on the lock screen

    Get support on the lock screen

    To further protect customer information, locking the screen during remote session is also possible if seeing the customer’s screen is not required.

What if you can support customers by looking at the scene at the same time?

Find out more about RemoteCall visual support that uses smartphone’s camera to share the view.