Security and Expertise

RemoteCall Ensures Security In Remote Connections & Data

Unparalleled Security Features for RemoteCall

  • We ask your consent
  • You control the session
  • Security & reliability
  • The customer must manually enter the access code and agree.

    RemoteCall uses a one-time password (OTP) to initiate remote session. The support agent is not able to access the remote device unless the customer puts in the access code.
    In addition, screen control is only available if the customer clearly agrees to initiate the assistance.

    manually enter the access code and agree
  • For certain functions, customer consent is required even during remote session.

    When the support agent records/captures the screen or transfers files during remote session, the customer consent is required again for privacy protection.
    If the customer refuses to consent, the support agent is notified that the customer has not agreed.

    For certain functions
  • Customers can take back control of their desktops or mobile screen with a simple operation.

    If the customer touches the keyboard/mouse of the remote desktop, or clicks on the ‘Screen Lock’ in the Quick Menu on a mobile device, the control by support agent is immediately stopped. RemoteCall provides customer-oriented control to ensure a secure support.

    simple operation
  • Customers can block out a certain part of the shared screen.

    In the event when a login is necessary to access a specific service during remote session, a screen blinder that opens only a portion of the shared screen is provided so that the details cannot be read by support agent.

    block out
  • The remote access module is automatically deleted when a remote session is finished.

    When the remote session ends, the installed remote access module is automatically deleted and the reconnection is disabled. Therefore, external access after the end of support is safely blocked.
    You can turn on/off the function through the Admin mode.

    automatically deleted
  • Individually set the authority of support agent by ID or group.

    The scope of support agent’s access to the remote device is managed by function/ID/group. With this, the data of session history can be thoroughly managed and a private data leak is prevented.

    Individually set

The Trusted Security Solution

  • Market Share in Financial Services No.1

    RemoteCall has been verified by financial and public institutions through their rigorous tests, which is known very demanding. RemoteCall is recognized as a standard remote support solution and serves as a business partner for the start and growth of the service.

    View case studies of bank
  • The Number of Corporate Clients 20,000

    RemoteCall was first recognized for its quality in Japan, surpassing all the outstanding Japanese products. RemoteCall learned to manage the quality by meticulously implementing functions and responding carefully to even a little request by customers in the Japanese market. With continuous efforts to improve product quality based on our expertise, RemoteCall is widely patronized by more than 20,000 clients with the largest share in the Asian remote market including Korea and Japan.

  • The Market Share of Security Industry 90%

    The product was developed from an idea of providing remote support to help use security vaccine programs. From the beginning of product development process, RemoteCall was created in an environment suitable for security solutions, and has now settled as a consistent bestseller in the security service industry.

RSupport offers professional remote support services focused on remote technology.

  • Developed with our own technology

    Ever since the world’s first commercialization of RemoteCall with its own technology, RSupport remains in the top ranking of remote support solutions.
    It also holds more than 70 domestic and foreign patents related to IT technology, including remote technology.

    Exceptional quality recognized by the country

    RemoteCall proudly positions itself as one of the leading software programs in Korea. It has been selected as the World-class Product by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy; not to mention the winning of the Best Quality Award in SW product by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, as well as receiving Level 1 for the GS (Good Software) certification.

  • History of the remote support, RemoteCall

    Rsupport has first launched the RemoteCall Mobile Pack in 2011 in response to the smartphone craze in 2010. When IoT and smart home began to sweep across the globe, Rsupport was already prepared and utilized its RemoteCall Visual Pack released in 2013 for IoT remote support.

    An excellent exporter playing globally

    The sales are more noticeable in the overseas market than in Korea. No wonder the names of RSupport and RemoteCall always emerge at the top in the global remote support market. Not to mention that it is also one of the best-selling remote support software in Korea.

Only a web browser is needed to provide support?

Find out more on RemoteCall WebViewer.